The Greater Bamboo Lemur is the largest bamboo lemur of Madagascar. The majority color is brown with cream and gray. But the unique characteristic is the white ears.
But that lemur has a size of a house cat.
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Mammalia |
Order: | Primates |
Family: | Lemuridae |
Genus: | Prolemur |
Species: | P. simus |
Why they are endagered? I t's very simple.Deforestation.Results of illegal logging, mining and because of the tecnique called slash-and-burn, that are aproach to agriculture. He's population has been drastically reduced to less than 4% of it's historic distribuition.
Status: 1970=Rare, 1980-1994=Endangered, 1996-1994=Critically Endangered
Some organizations such as Aspinall Foundation,the association Mistinjo and the WWF, are working with local people to protect the Greater Bamboo Lemur from hunting and the habitation destruction.Lemurs are close relatives to primate who belong to the suborder Strepsirrhini. The earlier known fossil primate are 54-55 million years old.The Greater Bamboo Lemur was once found in western,northenand central of Madagascar.
They had not been seen by western cientists for 100 years until it was observed by two ecologists in 1972. At the start only one population was known on Ranomafama National Park at Madagascar.The park is also a solution for the decreasing of the Bamboo Lemur population.The Aspinall Foundation is searching for unprotected area that occurs bamboo lemurs. And in colaboration with others NGO'S, they have found new habitat locations.
The Greater Bamboo Lemur is active around down and dusk and frequently into the night he's often found on the ground.
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